SSNOP Work Groups are organized as follows: Resident and Safety Work Group, Sulphur Springs K-8 Community School Advisory Committee, and the Early Childhood, Elementary School, Teens (which combines Middle School and High School) and Economic Stability.
The purpose of the six Work Groups is to coordinate and connect the activities of the various program partners to ensure that efforts are focused on increasing a student’s ability to succeed. The activities of the Work Groups are summarized below. 
Please Note: A combined meeting of the Sulphur Springs Community School and the Elementary & Teens Work Groups occurs on the second Thursday of every other month at 9:00am at Sulphur Springs Community School. The meetings are held in September, November, January, March, and May.
All meeting dates are subject to change. Please check the calendar for updates or contact the Work Group Chair. 

Resident and Safety Work Group

Schedule: Meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at Abundant Life Church.

Chair: Eryka Marshall, Sulphur Springs Resident
Contact: 561-951-3359


Community School Advisory Committee

Schedule: Meeting schedule as determined by the Chair

Chair: Nicole Russ
Contact: 813-975-7305


Early Childhood Work Group

Schedule: Meetings are typically held on the 1st Thursday of every other month at 9:00am at Layla’s House. The meetings are held in October, December, February, April, June.

Chair: Amy Haile, Champions for Children
Contact: 813-673-4646 ext. 1119


Elementary School Work Group

Schedule: A combined meeting of the Sulphur Springs Community School and the Elementary & Teens Work Groups occurs on the second Thursday of every other month at 9:00am at Sulphur Springs Community School. The meetings are held in September, November, January, March, and May.

Chair: Lakema Massey, YMCA
Contact: 813-924-4207


Teens Work Group

Schedule: In addition to the combined meeting noted above, the Teens Work Group also meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every other month at 9:00am at the Springhill Park Community Center. The meetings are held in October, December, February, April, June.

Chair: Jacqueline Leeks, Devereux Kids
Contact: 813-915-7101


Economic Stability Work Group

Schedule: meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 9:00am at Abundant Life Church; the jobs and housing subcommittees of the work group meet as scheduled.

Chair: Curt McKay, SSNOP
Contact: 813-443-2538